以下範例為簽章 pocert.jar為主
PS: keytool 跟jarsigner可以安裝JDK在bin中就有了
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias testKey //建立key keytool -selfcert -alias testKey -validity 36500 //將有效期限延長至36500天 keytool -export -alias testKey -file bliKey.crt //匯出憑證檔 jarsigner pocert.jar testKey //簽章jar檔 jarsigner -verify pocert.jar //確認jar檔是否已被認證 keytool -list //列出系統上目前所有的key keytool -delete -alias bliKey //刪除指定key
PS: keytool 跟jarsigner可以安裝JDK在bin中就有了
Using the applet Tag
You use the applet tag to deploy applets to a multi-browser environment.
Using the object Tag
You use the object tag to deploy applets that are to be used only with Internet Explorer.
Using the embed Tag
You use the embed tag to deploy applets that are to be used only with the Mozilla family of browsers.