- Horizontal DHTML Menu Ex.#1 - relative position, transparency, shadow, "fade in" transition
- Vertical DHTML Menu Ex.#2 - absolute menu position, movable - you can drag-n-drop it
- DHTML Drop Down Menu Ex.#3 - Win95 style, absolute position, floatable menu
- DHTML Dropdown Menu Ex.#4 - absolute position, disabled item, individual style for item
- DHTML Expandable Menu Ex.#5 - absolute position, animated icons, separators
- DHTML Cascading Menu Ex.#6 - MS Office style, relative position, "fade in" transition, shadow
- javascript Navigation Menus Ex.#7 - several menus on one page, different transition effects
- javascript Context Menu Ex.#8 - dhtml popup menu mode
- CSS Menu Ex.#9 - CSS drop down menu, XP style
- Transition Collapse Menu Ex.#10 - DirectX effects collapsable menu
- Dynamic Menu Ex.#11 - setting pressed item dynamically via javascript
- Cross Frame Menu #1 - horizontal frame menu
- Cross Frame Menu #2 - vertical frame menu
- Crossframe Menu #3 - multiple/nested javascript frame menu
- Crossframe Menu #4 - multiple/nested dhtml frame menu
- Floating Menu Ex.#12 - menu floats on scrolling
- Sliding Menu Ex.#13 - menu slides when you scroll a page
- DHTML Menu Example #14
- DHTML Menu Example #15
- DHTML Menu Example #16
- DHTML Menu Example #17
- DHTML Menu Example #18
Apycom DHTML Menu comes with two files that can be found in the "js/" subdirectory in this download:
apymenu.js - menu engine and
data.js - data file with menu parameters (this file may be renamed, but must include the '.js' extension)
Place these files to any folder of your html project and add a reference to the files within your HTML page. You can use both absolute and relative coordinates to position the menu.
Absolute position
Paste the following code into tag
and set coordinates of top-left menu corner in the data file, example
var absolutePos=1;
var posX=30;
var posY=110;
Relative position
Paste the following code into tag
and paste the following code within your html page in a position you want the menu to appear
for example into a table cell
*** Crossframe mode ***
Paste following code into tag of page with top menu
Be sure you have frameset "ID" and frame "NAME" properties in your frameset. Example:
name="frm1" xsrc="topmenu.html">
name="frm2" xsrc="content.html">
Then replace the standard apy_init(); function at the end of data.js file by the apy_initFrame function:
apy_initFrame (framesetID, mainFrameInd, subFrameInd, orientation);
framesetID - id of